Near Visual Acuity
An assessment of near vision. Participants are asked to sit 16 inches from the iPad and verbally identify the letters that appear on the screen.
Hearing Threshold Test
An assessment of hearing. Participants are asked to tap a button when they hear sounds presented in each ear, which gradually decrease in volume.
A computer-adaptive test (CAT) assessment of the participant’s belief in his or her capacity to manage problems and have control over meaningful events.
A computer-adaptive test (CAT) assessment of poor mood and negative perceptions of the self, the world, and the future.
Positive Affect
A computer-adaptive test (CAT) assessment of feelings of pleasurable engagement with the environment, such as happiness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment.
Perceived Stress
A computer-adaptive test (CAT) or fixed form (FF) assessment of the participant’s perceptions about how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded his or her life is.