
A fixed form (FF) assessment of deficits in goal-oriented behavior and decrements in goal-related thought content.

Anger/Physical Aggression

A fixed form (FF) assessment of aggression as a behavioral component of anger.


A fixed form (FF) assessment of the participant’s attitudes of hostility, cynicism, and mistrust of others.

Words-In-Noise Test

An assessment of the ability to recognize single words amid varying levels of background noise. The participant is asked to repeat the words presented by the audio.

Visual Acuity Test

An assessment of distance vision. Participants are asked to sit 3 meters from the iPad and identify the letters that appear on the screen, either verbally (ages 3-7 & ages 8+) or by pointing to the same letter on a card in front of them (ages 3-7).

Pain Interference Test

An assessment of pain administered in a computer-adaptive test (CAT) format. Participants are asked the extent to which pain has interfered with or affected the enjoyment of various activities in the past 7 days. The Pain Interference test is also part of the PROMIS-29 Profile.