Test Finder

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47 Result(s)

Perceived Hostility

Emotion: Social Relationships, Social Distress

Ages: 8+
Test Time: 2 minutes

A computer-adaptive test (CAT) or fixed form (FF) assessment of the participant’s perceptions of hostility in his or her daily social interactions.

Perceived Rejection

Emotion: Social Relationships, Social Distress

Ages: 8+
Test Time: 2 minutes

A computer-adaptive test (CAT) or fixed form (FF) assessment of the participant’s perceptions of rejection in his or her daily social interactions.

Perceived Stress

Emotion: Stress and Self-Efficacy, Stress

Ages: 8+
Test Time: 2 minutes

A computer-adaptive test (CAT) or fixed form (FF) assessment of the participant's perceptions about how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded his or her life is.

Picture Sequence Memory Test

Cognition: Memory, Episodic

Ages: 3+
Test Time: 7 minutes

An assessment of episodic memory. Participants are shown a number of activities, and then asked to reproduce the sequence of pictures as it was presented to them.

Picture Vocabulary Test

Cognition: Language, Receptive

Ages: 3+
Test Time: 3 minutes

An assessment of receptive vocabulary administered in a computer-adaptive test (CAT) format. Participants must choose which of four pictures best represents a word presented via audio.

Positive Affect

Emotion: Psychological Well-Being, Positive Affect

Ages: 3+
Test Time: 2 minutes

A computer-adaptive test (CAT) assessment of feelings of pleasurable engagement with the environment, such as happiness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment.

Positive Peer Interaction

Emotion: Social Relationships, Companionship

Ages: 3 - 12
Test Time: 2 minutes

A fixed form (FF) assessment of the child’s perceptions of the availability of friends or companions with whom to interact or affiliate

Ages: 12+
Test Time: 6 minutes

An assessment of taste sensitivity. Participants are asked to rate the intensity of salty and bitter solutions on the tip of their tongue and mouth.

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

Cognition: Memory, Learning, Delayed, Immediate, Verbal

Ages: 5+
Test Time: 4 minutes

An assessment of immediate memory and verbal learning. Participants are given three trials to recall as many words as possible from a list of fifteen unrelated words. After a 5-25 minute delay, participants are asked to freely recall as many of the 15 words as they can.


Emotion: Negative Affect, Sadness

Ages: 3+
Test Time: 2 minutes

A computer-adaptive test (CAT) assessment of poor mood and negative perceptions of the self, the world, and the future.


Emotion: Stress and Self-Efficacy, Self-Efficacy

Ages: 8+
Test Time: 2 minutes

A computer-adaptive test (CAT) assessment of the participant’s belief in his or her capacity to manage problems and have control over meaningful events.

Social Withdrawal

Emotion: Social Relationships

Ages: 3 - 12
Test Time: 2 minutes

A fixed form (FF) assessment of the child’s perceptions of being alone, lonely, or socially isolated from others.

Speeded Matching Test

Cognition: Processing Speed

Ages: 3 - 6
Test Time: 3 minutes

An assessment of processing speed. Participants are asked to identify which of four pictures matches the target picture at the top of the screen.

Standing Balance Test

Motor: Balance

Ages: 3+
Test Time: 7 minutes

An assessment of balance. Participants are asked to perform a series of poses on the ground and on a foam pad.

Visual Acuity Test

Sensation: Vestibular

Ages: 3+
Test Time: 3 minutes

An assessment of distance vision. Participants are asked to sit 3 meters from the iPad and identify the letters that appear on the screen, either verbally (ages 3-7 & ages 8+) or by pointing to the same letter on a card in front of them (ages 3-7).

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