V2 App Retirement Information

Please see below for an important update regarding the retirement of the NIH Toolbox V2 app. This retirement marks the transition to the upgraded and more advanced NIH Toolbox V3 app, which we encourage all users to embrace for their future research and clinical needs. 
V2 Retirement Details: 

As part of our commitment to developing, maintaining, and providing advanced digital assessments, the NIH Toolbox V2 app will be officially retired. Here are the key details you need to know: 

  • Subscription Cessation: Annual subscriptions for NIH Toolbox V2 (both English and Spanish versions) will no longer be sold after June 30, 2027.  
  • Subscription Expiry: The last subscription will expire on June 30, 2028. After this date, users will still be able to export data but will not be able to collect new data using the V2 app. 
  • End of Support: We will cease official support for the V2 app after August 2028. Therefore, we strongly recommend all users to export their data before this date to ensure continuity and access to their valuable research information. 
  • Price Increase: The cost of the public V2 apps will increase to $749.99 USD in the coming month, contingent upon the release of the next app version built by our technical team. Following this update, users must update their apps to purchase a new subscription. Please note that subscription prices are anticipated to increase by $250 USD on June 1, 2025, and on June 1, 2026, and again on June 1, 2027. 

Why the Transition? 

The retirement of the NIH Toolbox V2 app comes as part of our commitment to providing cutting-edge digital assessments to researchers and clinicians across the globe. The NIH Toolbox V3 incorporates significant enhancements in functionality, user interface, and data management capabilities, ensuring a more streamlined and efficient experience for researchers across disciplines. In addition, it provides updates to normative data, streamlining of test instructions and much more.  

Key Features of NIH Toolbox V3: 

  1. Enhanced User Interface: A more intuitive and user-friendly interface designed to simplify navigation and enhance users’ administration experience. 
  2. Advanced Data Management: Improved data management capabilities to facilitate seamless organization, storage, and retrieval of research data. 
  3. Expanded Features: Addition of new and improved tests with updated normed scores and updated versions of existing tools to meet evolving assessment needs. 

Action Required: 

To continue benefiting from the NIH Toolbox and its array of assessment tools, we kindly ask all users currently using the V2 app to transition to V3 at your earliest convenience. The retirement of V2 will involve discontinuation of technical support and updates, making it crucial to switch to V3 to ensure uninterrupted access to the latest features and support. 

How to Transition: 
Transitioning to NIH Toolbox V3 is straightforward: 

  1. Download V3: Visit the Apple App Store or follow links on nihtoolbox.org to download the latest version of the NIH Toolbox V3 app. 
  2. Export Data from your V2 app (if applicable): Make sure to export data from your V2 app to save it and back it up. Note the V3 App is a separate app and does not communicate with the V2 app, so you cannot import data from V2 into the new app. See here for important information when
  3. Explore New Features: Take advantage of the enhanced features and expanded toolset available in NIH Toolbox V3. 

Support and Assistance: 

For any questions or assistance regarding the transition process or functionalities of NIH Toolbox V3, our support team is available to assist you. Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] for assistance.